Everyone thinks that their subway line is the slowest, smelliest death trap of garbled announcements and naked crazy people. They are wrong. But this year two trains did tie for the distinction of being the shoddiest in all of New York City.

The Straphangers Campaign, which advocates for commuters, released its annual State of the Subways report and the two worst trains were the C train and the 2 train. This is the second year that the C has been on the bottom, thanks to poor schedules, mechanical failures, and crappy announcements on the cars. It also has the amazing ability to suddenly switch to the F line with no warning and you have no clue until you wind up at Second Avenue and have to get a cab back to the west side.

The 2 sucks because it has no seats during rush hour. That's saying Starbucks is the worst because the toilet smells like a bum's crotch. It's just sort of expected. But, yes, it still sucks. Why don't you save up your $753 dollars for an unlimited monthly MetroCard and just buy a bike instead?

[Image of the W train, which was so crappy it doesn't even exist anymore, via Getty]