Hackers have reportedly broken into Norway shooter Anders Behring Breivik's email account and turned the contents over to police in an effort to help their investigation. See, hackers aren't all amoral cybermonsters.

The eight-person Norwegian hacking crew Noira, led by a 17-year-old boy named "Frederik," say they broke into two of Breivik's email accounts after he killed more than 70 people in Norway last month. The group turned over the emails to a freelance journalist Kjetil Stormark who was writing a story about the group; he then turned the emails over to the cops. Noira was also behind the hack of Breivik's Twitter account.

Noira is essentially the Norwegian branch of the hacktivist group Anonymous, and it appears they were motivated by similar activist goals—to help the case against Breivik. Stormak says he's not publishing the emails so as not to jeopardize the investigation (boring), but tells Threatpost "The e-mails show some of the activity and contacts made by the perpetrator in the weeks and months leading up to the terror attacks. The mails also tell a tale about his private life." One thing everyone wnats to know is if Breivik was working alone or as part of an international anti-Muslim terrorist group, as he's claimed.

This could cause some weird legal issues for the cops: Will they be able to use evidence that was so obviously illegally obtained? Also, it's sort of awkward for them to be working with "Frederick" even as he's wanted by the FBI in its international Anonymous manhunt, according to Threatpost. Could be a good buddy cop comedy, though.

[Images via AP, Getty]