This little girl says Amy Winehouse was trying to adopt her. Miley Cyrus gets a gay marriage tattoo. Kellan Lutz still has candy from 2003, and eats it regularly. Kim Kardashian's fans freak her out. Monday gossip pulls an Angelina.

  • Apparently Amy Winehouse was preparing to adopt a 10-year-old girl from St. Lucia, whom she met during extended vacations over the course of three years, at the time of her death. Could this story possibly be true? Or did some random child who was once photographed with Amy (above) get coached into telling The Mirror a bizarre story? Dannika Augustine's grandmother reportedly owns at a bar Amy frequented during vacations, and since the family is too poor to provide for Dannika, Amy offered to spirit the child away and had hired lawyers to make it happen. "Amy was already my mother. I would call her mum and she would call me daughter," Dannika says. [Mirror, TMZ, image via Splash]
  • Confirmed: Soulja Boy was totally lying about buying that $55 million jet. [TMZ]
  • Kanye West and Jay-Z are releasing a joint album and embarking on a joint tour, but are "barely speaking to each other" because "Jay-Z is fed up with West's antics." Apparently Ye wants "next-level production" that would cost $400,000+ per show, whereas Jay wants something more modest, like limiting the ritual burning of scarecrow effigies stuffed with $1000 bills to one per show. [P6]

Miley Cyrus tattooed an equal sign on her ring finger and explained it thusly: "All LOVE is equal." So, it's a gay marriage tattoo? In which case this picture giving a gay-married finger to a) homophobes; b) gay people; c) anyone who takes a teen pop star's political opinions seriously. [@MileyCyrus]

  • Kellan Lutz acts and thinks exactly as you'd expect someone who looks like him to act and think. Dream acting roles: "I would love to do He-man… I would love to play a Ninja Turtle or something like that, Michelangelo." A metaphor to describe exhilaration: "I got on the ride of Twilight and that took off and it's like Superman, the ride at Six Flags, where you just shoot and you have no idea what's going on and it just continuously gets higher and higher and more enjoyable." An astonishingly gross culinary confession: "I have Halloween candy from back in my Arizona days from back in 2003… thank god it doesn't go bad. My Fireball is, like, green now, the color dye disappears but it's still spicy." Kellan Lutz knows not human weaknesses like food poisoning. Kellan Lutz flex muscles, ward off evil tummy ache spirits. [JJ]
  • Fantasia Barrino is pregnant with her second child. Last year she attempted suicide amid accusations of breaking up her boyfriend's marriage to another lady. Fantasia's other child is a 9-year-old named Zion. They're like characters from an evangelical soap opera, as animated by Disney and represented by emotionally wrought unicorns. [NYDN]

Kim Kardashian's fans keep showing up at her house, and it's freaking her out. [@KimKardashian]

  • Chord Overstreet left his Blackberry on a table, and when a stranger was like, Hmm, what's this? he freaked out and knocked girlfriend Emma Roberts "to the floor" during a violent scramble to retrieve it. The stakes are high for celebrity cellphones. They should just get their phones implanted into their brains, or something. Bonus: subdermal tweeting. [P6]