You'd think that the successful breeding of a dog that glows under ultraviolet light would be, more or less, the successful completion of science. Why bother doing anything else, now that you made a dog glow? But no! Apparently this dog actually furthers, rather than completes, scientific endeavor:

"The creation of Tegon opens new horizons since the gene injected to make the dog glow can be substituted with genes that trigger fatal human diseases," the news agency quoted lead researcher Lee Byeong-chun as saying.


The scientist said that because there are 268 illnesses that humans and dogs have in common, creating dogs that artificially show such symptoms could aid treatment methods for diseases that afflict humans.

According to the researchers, Tegon's unique superpower—which allows her to glow under ultraviolet light "if given a doxycycline antibiotic"—could help find treatments for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as well as a treatment for the common ailment of "not glowing in the dark." For bonus science points, note that Tegon was created "using the somatic cell nuclear transfer technology that the university team used to make the world's first cloned dog."
