Who Gave Soulja Boy $55 Million?

Cartoonishly simplistic rhyme reciter Soulja Boy has allegedly purchased himself a $55 million G5 jet as a 21st birthday present. Ohh... did somebody give Soulja Boy $55 million, by accident?
I mean he's sold a lot of shitty ringtones, but not that many shitty ringtones. Forbes estimated Soulja Boy's income in 2010 at $6 million. If you generously estimate that he made, say, $20 million off his first big shitty ringtone-type song in 2007, still, his follow-up albums have not done all that spectacularly, so $55 million is a pretty big nut to make, unless we're talking about one of those "rent to own" deals. And plus his chains got stolen, so he couldn't pawn those to make the payments. I don't know. Which one of you put an extra $50 million in Soulja Boy's bank account while he slumbered peacefully, unaware? Speak up.