Hundreds of gay and lesbian couples across New York state are getting hitched today, thanks to legislation passed on June 24. In New York City alone, 823 couples signed up to marry today, while couples in a dozen other cities across the state also walked down the aisle.

Seen here are Phyllis Siegel (left) and Connie Kopelov (right) of New York City, the first same-sex couple to get married at the Manhattan City Clerk's office. Go click-click to check out some more happy couples! [ NYT, Image via AP]

Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd got married at midnight in Niagara Falls. [Image via AP]

Richard Skipper, left, and Daniel Sherman, of Sparkill, N.Y., married at the Manhattan City Clerk's office. [Image via AP]

Kawane Harris (left) and Jeannette Coleman (right), Manhattan City Clerk's office. [Image via AP]

Wendy Torrington does a little jump and Kimberley Moreno (right) smiles outside the Manhattan City Clerk's office. [Image via Getty]

Michael Roberts (left) and Michael Johnson (right), Manhattan City Clerk's office. [Image via AP]

Maria Vargas and Maira Garcia wait in line to get married at the Brooklyn City Clerk's office. [Image via Getty]

Rachel and Lailah Pepe also got married at the Brooklyn City Clerk's office. [Image via Getty]