Much has been made of the fact that bulge-Tweeting congressman Anthony Weiner (8==D - N.Y.) is married to Huma Abedin, a close aide of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — and that President Clinton officiated at their wedding. But having been through a not entirely dissimilar situation does not seem to have made the Clintons more sympathetic to Weiner's problem:

One of Mr. Weiner's most emotional apologies was delivered to former President Bill Clinton[...] The Clintons are deeply unhappy about the situation and with Mr. Weiner, people who had been told of their thinking said. Mr. Clinton declined to comment.

In fact, Weiner is fast running out out friends not just in Congress (where he didn't have many to begin with), but in his home city, where he was, up until erection night, a front-runner in the upcoming mayoral race. The Times quotes two Weiner raisers—sorry, Weiner fundraisers—who are "dismayed" and "pessimistic"; another, speaking anonymously, was "shocked and furious" because Weiner had, in conversation, proclaimed himself the victim of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Just like, heh, the Clintons.

[NYT, images, of President Clinton, Rep. Weiner, Abedin and Secretary Clinton, via AP]