Disheartening dong-tweeter Anthony Weiner allegedly coached a porn star to lie to the press about their sexy email and text exchanges. Gahhhh. Must. Not. Make. Dick. Jokes.

In addition to the Las Vegas Blackjack dealer and the 26-year-old single mom from Texas, Weiner exchanged "scores of sexual emails" with former porn actress and stripper Ginger Lee. When Weinergate broke, Lee was quickly contacted by various media organizations (including us) about tweets that suggested she'd been exchanging messages with Weiner.

Weiner told her to lie to the press, according to TMZ. In an email, he wrote "Do you need to talk to a professional PR type person to give u advice? I can have someone on my team call. [Yeah, my team is doing great. Ugh]."

Weiner also typed up a sample statement for her to hand out to the ravenous press:

Have a couple of iterations of: 'This is silly. Like so many others, I follow Rep. Weiner on Twitter. I don't know him and have never met him. He briefly followed me and sent me a dm saying thank you for the follow. That's it.'"

Luckily for her, Lee doesn't appear to have accepted the assistance of Weiner's crack PR team. Because if she had, she would have hunted down cameras and reporters for a week to answer basic questions with absurd non-answers, then come clean in a humiliating hour-long press conference.

The ultimate lesson here is that if you have received sexy emails from a sitting member of congress you should in no way be an accessory to a cover-up. No, you should email them to us, right now.

[Photo of Weiner via AP. Photo of Lee via]