Steven Tyler tried gay sex "but just didn't dig it." Rick Springfield curses out a cop. Pippa Middleton reunites with an ex. Rihanna follows Chris Brown. Monday gossip explores its sexuality.

  • Steven Tyler "tried" gay sex, "but just didn't dig it," he says in his memoir. "Gay sex just doesn't do it for me." He also cops to shooting heroin in his butt and carrying a concealed firearm because he thought the CIA was out to get him. Touring with Aerosmith, he used to require all green rooms to be outfitted with a 6-foot full-length mirror so he could do cocaine off of it. He "can't kiss a girl that's been stage diving with 500 other guys" until she takes a shower. "I liked my pulchritude pristine." Weird how descriptions of cleanliness sometimes make a person seem even grosser. [ABCNews, Enquirer, image via Getty]
  • Rihanna followed Chris Brown on Twitter, and her fans freaked out. "Its fuckin twitter, not the altar! calm down," she responded. [E!, @rihanna]
  • Pippa Middleton went on a vacation with "her girls" and met up with her ex. This sounds a lot like the second Sex and the City movie. Come to think of it, that whole series would make a lot more sense if it turned out that Carrie Bradshaw was a social climbing heiress from the family of the future Queen of England. Apparently ex-boyfriend is richer than current boyfriend, so maybe Pippa will go back to him? Worked for Carrie Bradshaw. [DailyMail, Celebitchy]
  • Arrested for drunk driving in Malibu, Rick Springfield yelled at a deputy sheriff, "If you tow my car, I will fucking kill you and your family." This was at the police station where Mel Gibson went on his "sugar tits" rant, so the police were super blasé about it. "It is rare when a drunk doesn't say something outlandish," a department spokesperson said. [TMZ]
  • "Teach Me How to Dougie" singer M Bone is dead at the age of 22. It's unclear how he died, but a man his age was shot and killed in front of a liquor store on the same night, and some people say that man was him. [Radar]
  • Chord Overstreet, the one with the Bieber haircut on Glee, has Bieber hair no more. [Us]

Is this LeBron James' $172,000 bar tab from a Vegas nightclub? And more importantly, what kind of idiot drinks Bud Light on a night when Cristal is flowing like water? [BroBible]

  • Former MTV VJ Brian McFayden is getting sued for being a shitty boyfriend. No, seriously: Kristin Lancione says McFayden "fraudulently represented to [her] that he planned on asking her to marry," but since he was unemployed, maybe she could support him until he gets back on his feet? However! Kristin now suspects Brian "had no intention of finding a job, and wanted [her] cash flow so he could remain unemployed, stay at home all day, and play [her] PS3 videogame system on [her] 72-inch television while [she] was at work." She wants $86K in damages, which includes compensation for the therapy she now needs. [TMZ]
  • Speaking of men who set your heart a-flutter in the late '90s, Party of Five's Andrew Keegan and his friends got in a street fight with six strangers. I'd make a West Side Story joke, but apparently someone got pistol-whipped, so the needle moves to the "scary" side of the "scary/funny" meter. [TMZ]
  • Jenna Fischer is pregnant. Mazel tov! [People]
  • Rebecca Black is "absolutely not pregnant." Phew! []