Our slutty sister site Fleshbot published some shirtless (and pantless!) photos of Kate Middleton's sexy younger brother, James, earlier this week. Then they got some emails from a lawyer demanding Fleshbot take the images down. But it wasn't a real lawyer, it turns out. It seems it was James pretending to be a lawyer.

The first email Fleshbot received requesting the images be taken down was from someone named James at the Cake Kit Company, Middleton's very real high end bakery that furnished cakes for the Royal Wedding. The second email that came in was from the "NICE GROUP LONDON LEGAL" with the reply address james@nicelawyer.co.uk. But if you visit the "Nice Lawyer" website, there's nothing there save for a placeholder homepage. How curious.

Well, we looked up just who owns the domain and it appears it's registered to none other than James Middleton of the Cake Kit Company, and he purchased the domain less than a month ago. So, let's get this straight: Rather than James actually hiring a lawyer to do his dirty work—or erase his dirty work from the internet—he's posing as a lawyer with a fake law firm email address? Seems like it.

And this isn't the first time he—or someone with access to the domain name—has tried the same tactic. He did it to at least one other website that posted what we assume are the same or similar pictures a few weeks ago. Sorry, James, but you can't scrub incriminating photos from the web, and if you really want to try, well you better start off by hiring a real lawyer.

[Photo of James at the Royal Wedding via Getty Images]