It's perfectly understandable for the news media to divert its attention to the killing of Osama bin Laden for a little while. You kind of have to cover it, at least perfunctorily. But we must not let it distract us from the important issues facing the country. Is any reporter even jotting down whatever nutty stuff Donald Trump has to say today?

For what it's worth, Trump's statement about the bin Laden raid is more congratulatory to President Obama than those of the other, real presidential candidates. He wasn't all that miffed over Celebrity Apprentice being cut off for last night's presidential announcement. In fact, he wants a Partisan Politics Truce for a few days:

"I want to personally congratulate President Obama and the men and women of the Armed Forces for a job well done," Trump said in a statement to ABC News.

I am so proud to see Americans standing shoulder to shoulder, waving the American flag in celebration of this great victory," he added. "We should spend the next several days not debating party politics, but in remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those currently fighting for our freedom. God Bless America!"

Sorry, folks. Guess we won't have any ludicrous Donald Trump quotes today. Just kidding, here are like a hundred of them.

Check National Review for a roundup of all potential candidates' statements. Which is your favorite? Mike Huckabee's "Welcome to hell, bin Laden" still sticks out for us. Who knew that Mike Huckabee was the butler of Hell? You take what work you can get in this economy.

[Image via AP]