In your money Monday media column: the Pentagon sides with a general over Rolling Stone, The New Yorker's boring Facebook success, Sidney Harman's unfortunate goodbye column, Les Moonves is overpaid, Glenn Beck is moving, and a history of Fox.

  • A formal Pentagon inquiry into the Rolling Stone story by Michael Hastings that led to the resignation of Gen. Stanley McChrystal has "cleared the general, his military aides and civilian advisers of all wrongdoing." The inquiry even disputed the accuracy of the story—because, for example, "In some instances, we found no witness who acknowledged making or hearing the comments as reported." The comments disparaging powerful political leaders, that is. Solid proof, then! I for one am shocked that the Pentagon would side with Gen. McChrystal over a reporter that the Pentagon hates. I guess this refutes everything.
  • The New Yorker gained 16,000 Facebook fans just by letting people use Facebook to read last week's Jonathan Franzen story—16,000 disappointed Facebook fans, I should say. Jonathan Franzen ventures to deserted island to read book, drama ensues? You are no David Grann, sir.
  • Here is the "My Turn" column by former Newsweek owner Sidney Harman, which ran today, after his death. "NEWSWEEK has given me great new life," he writes. That's unfortunate.
  • Les Moonves, the CEO of CBS, earned $57.7 million last year. Whereas last year he only made a mere $43 million! But it's all fair value, right? You can afford some more self-portraits now, Les. You thief.
  • Not only is Glenn Beck leaving Fox News—he's leaving the New York City area entirely. Awww. The crazy dude on the train didn't even have a chance to pee on you yet, Glenn.
  • Brian Steinberg has an interesting overview of the history of Fox, from crappy little nothing network to big, shiny success. Do they owe it all to The Simpsons? Let's just say that they do.

[Photo via Rolling Stone]