What's Next for Newsweek?

In your wet Wednesday media column: Newsweek's suddenly cloudy future, CNN would like some black viewers, Univision eyes cable news, the AP's union negotiations drag on, and a sad NPR Twitter addict.
- With the death of Newsweek owner Sidney Harman, the obvious question becomes: What the hell will happen to Newsweek? Harman himself was willing to fund the money-losing magazine, yes; but there's no reason to expect that his heirs are enthusiastic to spend their inheritance that way. We sought some clarification, and NewsBeast spokesman Andrew Kirk told us: "Dr. Harman's ownership stake in The Newsweek / Daily Beast Company remains owned by his estate. His estate will have the ability to appoint a replacement director to the board of the venture to represent its interests." And, of course, his estate might have a very different view of how Newsweek relates to its "interests" than Harman himself did. All the people who were interested in buying Newsweek last year when Harman got it: now's your chance to swoop in and scoop it up. Otherwise, Tina Brown could be staring down a big, big salary cut. ($0.)
- CNN is so desperate for viewers that they are even prepared to go after, whattaya call 'em... black people! Soledad O'Brien has always been CNN's unofficial Black Person Correspondent, which, let's be honest, is a little weird, no disrespect to Soledad. They're reportedly talking to Chris Rock! That's a famous black guy, right? This is bound to turn out well, for CNN.
- Meanwhile, Univision is launching a Spanish-language sports channel and a telenovela channel, and is reportedly considering a 24-hour Spanish-language news network here in the U.S. But how would they get all those Latinos to watch it??? Give Jennifer Lopez a show? CNN wants to know!
- The AP's negotiations with its union are ongoing. The union wants it all wrapped up by early summer. Well... we'll see! It's a tough business.
- Also, the AP fell for a fake press release saying that GE would be donating $3.2 billion of tax savings to a cause other than GE. These things happen. Editors, always apply the "smell test:" if it doesn't smell like bullshit, it's not a real corporate press release.
- NPR's Andy Colvin has a very serious Twitter addiction.
[Photo of Brown via Getty]