Forty-two United States Senators have signed a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding more prosecutions over adult pornography via the "vigorous" enforcement of federal obscenity laws. The Obama administration has not filed any new adult obscenity cases, because it has plenty of other actual work to do than to enforce dated, pandering laws about videos of adults having dirty sex.

And these 42 Senators — mostly Republican, but with about a half dozen Democratic signers too — want to redirect attention and limited resources to this most pressing problem in modern America. They urge Holder to work with law enforcement to "combat the growing scourge of obscenity in America." There are just so many naked people, everywhere.

Old Sen. Orrin Hatch seems to be the expert and point man here. From Politico:

The April 4 letter refrains from criticizing the Justice Department's record. However, in the past, Hatch has publicly complained to Holder that the Justice Department was devoting too much focus to small-time purveyors of "fringe" fetish pornography and not enough attention to the mass-market producers.

Yeah, get your government hands off of Orrin Hatch's favorite niche stuff.

[Image via Getty]