In your dreary Tuesday media column: the National Magazine Awards announce nominees, News Corp's Shine acquisition is complete, Jeff Greenfield needs a new job, the Brit phone hacking scandal continues, content farms get aspirational, and media launches still exist.

  • It's time for the National Magazine Awards! Announcements, of finalists, that is! Here's the list. The New Yorker got nine nominations, beating New York Magazine and the NYT Magazine, which had six each. When will all the best magazines in this New York-based contest stop having "New York" in their titles? Who knows? See you at the awards, fellow non-nominees!
  • Sorry, bitching News Corp shareholders: the company has completed its half-billion dollar buyout of Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine Group. And just because she's the boss's daughter does not mean this is a bad purchase. Let's be clear on that.
  • CBS News has apparently let go of Jeff Greenfield, its senior political correspondent: "While I did not initiate this decision, I think it was the right one," he writes. That sucks for Jeff Greenfield.
  • The British phone hacking scandal unfolds inexorably in perfect tabloid style: now two journalists at Murdoch-owned News of the World have been arrested for phone hacking. England! They're such sleazeballs over there!
  • "Can a Content Farm Do Quality?" Jeff Bercovici asks, rhetorically. thinks the answer is "yes." In fact, the answer is "no." But, you know, good luck to them.
  • Say hello to Blood Sweat and Cheers, a sort of Thrillist for the sports-and-fitness set. As opposed to the coke-and-hair-gel set. Member of both sets? Sign up for both, why not?