Charlie Sheen May Have a Job Again

Not only did Charlie Sheen take a meeting with Fox about possible projects, he's also talking to the head of CBS about getting his job on Two and a Half Men back. Who would want to hire this guy?
Not only is Charlie Sheen probably impossible to insure right now, he's pretty much publicly called his bosses every name in the book and sued the show's producers for supposedly conspiring against him. Sure, Jon Cryer will be relieved that his cash train is still chugging along, but what a toxic work environment everyone would be going back to. CBS and Warner Bros. took a stand when they fired him, and if they hire him back, they'll look like a bunch of jerks who will do anything to make money, including hiring back tiger blood spewing Charlie Sheen.
As for Fox, well they're used to dealing with this kind of crazy. Sheen can't be harder to handle than Bill O'Reilly.
[Image via WENN]