Breast Milk Ice Cream Can Be Yours for $23 a Cone

A London ice cream parlor called "Icecreamists" has introduced a "pure, organic, free-range and totally natural" new flavor: Breast milk. Well, actually, the flavor is a kind of lemon-vanilla, but the cream is made from breast milk. Human breast milk!
The breast milk was provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on online mothers' forum Mumsnet.
Victoria Hiley, 35, from London was one of 15 women who donated milk to the restaurant after seeing the advert.
Hiley works with women who have problems breast-feeding their babies. She said she believes that if adults realized how tasty breast milk actually is, then new mothers would be more willing to breast-feed their own newborns.
Would you have a cone of this? Before you answer, be aware that it costs $23 a serving, and it is called "Baby Gaga." Also you'd have to fly to London and book a hotel room and take a taxi over there. And wear a funny jester hat and a sign that says "One Breast Milk Ice Cream For Me, Please!" So, would you? Huh? Would you?