Oprah Winfrey appointed Maria Shriver to guest edit a "poetry issue" of O magazine. Does the former newscaster/first lady of California have an MFA in creative writing we don't know about? And what's Demi Moore got to do with it?

The April issue of O will celebrate National Poetry Month and to honor the occasion Shriver will be selecting poems from athletes, actors, writers, musicians, and poets that no one has ever heard of because most Americans can't name a single living poet other than Maya Angelou, and that's only because she was on Oprah in the first place. So who will some of these contributors be? Demi Moore and Mike Tyson, for starters. No, that isn't a joke. But regardless of who they've recruited to take part, this seems like a pretty crazy gambit. If magazines are trying to attract younger readers, is poetry really the way to do it?

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