Kim Kardashian's music career is actually happening, and she's as confused as you are. "I didn't mean to, but I did this song," she explained at the debut performance of "Turn It Up." Earlier that day, she shot the video.

Kim performed "Turn It Up" on New Year's Eve, at TAO in Las Vegas:

Apparently Kim occupies the same universe as Ke$ha and J.Lo, a place plagued by too-quiet deejays and people who tell you not to dance, even when you want to dance, all night long! "Turn it up," they cry, dancing a special dance of defiance and squinting sexily. Or, so I gather from the one or two intelligible lyrics from the above video ("Turn it up," "I'm going to dance all night") and the pictures Kim tweeted shortly before the party. "I know u c me on the video...TRUE! I know you'll hear me on the radio..." she announced.

The-Dream wrote Kim's song, and Kanye West makes a cameo in her video. So this is really happening! Kim Kardashian, pop star. We didn't see it coming, either. [Popeater, @KimKardashian, @KimKardashian]