Madonna's Airplane Yoga Enrages Fellow Passengers

Airplanes are the worst places to meet celebrities. The cramped environment of an upholstered metal tube brings out the worst in every tantrum-throwing, assistant-berating diva. The only thing worse than a tantrum? Insufferable, yoga-enhanced calm!
Because really, what's worse than a smug bitch rubbing her beatific calm in your face, when you're trapped on the tarmac and on the verge of pulling a Stephen Slater? Grr! Calm people suck! The Daily Mail reports, a recent Virgin Atlantic flight left passengers stranded on the tarmac with a zen Madonna:
According to fellow passengers in upper class, Madonna and her entourage were allowed off first and whisked away by bus to the terminal two hours before everyone else. But not before she handed out some impromptu in-flight entertainment.
Says one passenger: ‘It was bad enough having to wait, but then she started doing her yoga in the aisles.
‘After about an hour, a bus came along and took her and her party of about 15 off the plane. It seemed a little unfair—it's not like she is the President or anything. The rest of us all had to wait for another two hours.'
Little did they know this was actually for their own safety. Oohhmm : Madonna :: Full moon : Werewolf. You don't want to be there when she gets to the third chakra. [Daily Mail, image via Bauer-Griffin]