How Dumb Is Your Favorite Website?

Google has just introduced a new option that allows you to filter search results by "reading level." Who knows what black magick is behind this, but we thought it would be fun to compare some popular websites.
The new option, available via Google's Advanced Search, allows you to see the percentage of "basic," "intermediate" and "advanced" reading level results in your query. Limiting the search to individual domains (using the "" modifier) allows you to see the reading level make-up of your favorite site. So, let's take a look!
Unsurprisingly, the snobby New York Review of Books leads the pack:

The New York Times is also pretty smart:

All of the New Yorker's "basic" results must be from when Tina Brown was the editor.

Who knew gay porn star Kennedy Carter was so literary on his personal blog (NSFW)?

Fox News: Slightly dumber than a porn star:

But who are we to talk:

At least we beat TMZ, which we now have conclusive evidence is written for 12 year-olds.

Because it just barely beat Nickelodeon, which is written for 9 year-olds: