
This Sure Is a Lot of Publicity For Gay Talese's New Book

Jordan Sargent · 07/01/16 04:00PM

Well-known suit-wearer Gay Talese is scheduled to release a book in two weeks. The book is about a man, Gerald Foos, who says he purchased and maintained a motel in Colorado for several decades specifically for the purpose of spying on his customers as they did such private activities as having sex and using the bathroom. Part of the book was adapted into a long New Yorker article published April 11, which revealed that Talese had, at one point, peeped along with Foos, and potentially concealed the existence of a murder that Foos said had taken place at the motel.

Darren Wilson Is Racist, As It Turns Out

Jay Hathaway · 08/03/15 11:17AM

Writing for the New Yorker, Jake Halpern has turned in the first extensive interview with Darren Wilson, the former Ferguson, Mo., cop who shot and killed black teenager Michael Brown. In conversations at his home, hidden somewhere “on the outskirts of St. Louis,” Wilson reveals he’s not exactly haunted by second thoughts about what happened: He “did his job” that day, and just wants to move on with his life.

Hudson Hongo · 12/13/14 02:30PM

Snark hater and Gawker Least Important Writer, 2012 David Denby is stepping down after 16 years as a New Yorker film critic, Indiewire reports. According to the magazine, Denby will "give up his fortnightly reviewing in early 2015 but will continue as a staff writer, contributing longer critic-at-large pieces."

What Can We Learn From the New Yorker's Bard College Alumni Letter?

Leah Finnegan · 09/22/14 01:43PM

In this week's New Yorker, Alice Gregory puzzles over the future of tiny Bard College, from which (as she discloses in an oddly coy aside) she graduated five years ago. If you want to learn about the college, which is basically a precious hipster Marxist summer camp where 60 to 80 percent of the student body is high all the time, by all means, read the article. But you won't find any of the interesting stuff about the school's students. Instead, you'll find a propaganda piece about the school's eclectic president, Leon Botstein.

Camille Dodero · 08/19/13 03:15PM

You are overpaying for that lobster dinner.

Adrian Chen · 05/22/13 09:51AM

The famously fastidious New Yorker has issued a rare apology for inadequately citing a scholar's research in this story on botched ICE deportations.

Watch Video of America Giving Aerial Support to a Jamaican Massacre

John Cook · 05/02/13 11:29AM

Two years ago, the New Yorker's Mattathias Schwartz documented the brutal massacre Jamaican security forces undertook when they entered the notorious slum Tivoli Gardens to arrest—at the insistence of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency—drug kingpin and local hero Christopher "Dudus" Coke in 2010. They didn't find Coke, but they managed to kill 73 civilians in what the Jamaicans claimed was a pitched street battle with Coke's partisans. After it was all over, they found six guns.

Joke so Unfunny Even Andy Borowitz Regrets Tweeting It

Adrian Chen · 08/13/12 03:28PM

NEW YORK, NY. (The Borowitz Report Report)—Hack New Yorker satirist Andy Borowitz left the internet stunned this afternoon by deleting a joke from his Twitter account—presumably after realizing it was not funny. Has Andy Borowitz developed standards?

Nobody at Conde Nast Can Read Gawker Right Now So Here's a Thread to Talk Shit About Them

Max Read · 02/02/12 04:30PM

Max R. Emma and I want to put up a post making fun of Conde Nast since our site doesn't work for them right now
Max R. and they can't read it
Max R. any shots you guys feel like taking
Emma C. ....get it
Hamilton N. they're ugly.
Adrian C. didn't we just get someting about the cafeteria?
Brian M. Details is gay for GQ
Hamilton N. why don't they lose some weight
Leah B. Conde NASTY. You're welcome. You may all go home now.
Adrian C. #Siren: Reliable source warns of "fennel situation" in @CondeNastCorp cafeteria; exec/ed may be demanding roasted fennel, fennel salad, etc. - @DylanByers via Twitter
Emma C. the Vogue girls are like such bitches and stuff
Adrian C. Why don't you go eat some fennel and cry about it?
Hamilton N. at a party, we heard Anna Wintour say she hates them
Hamilton N. "That's what you're wearing? Hmm."
Hamilton N. they're poor.
Hamilton N. they take the subway to work
Adrian C. New Yorker Articles are pretty boring, sometimes
Emma C. Vanity Fair really needs to get over the Kennedys
Adrian C. Fennel is gross
Brian M. Well, they need to get over old dead ladies in general
Adrian C. Their parent company owns reddit
Brian M. "Remember Portfolio?"
Emma C. hahaha, no, because no one does
Adrian C. eustace tilley is a giant homosexual and everyone knows it
Maureen O. Your elevator is boring again
Maureen O. Teen Vogue has bulimia and will never grow up to be as awesome as her mom.
Emma C. Malcolm Gladwell
Max R. i'm just going to post this campfire chat unless anyone objects
Leah B. Wasn't the terrible mystery pooper a conde nast thing
Ryan T. that guy
Adrian C. who's that
Ryan T. Jesus, basically
Hamilton N. that is will ferrell.

These Heartbreaking Letters by Tyler Clementi's Gay Brother Will Make You Cry Your Eyes Out

Brian Moylan · 02/01/12 01:34PM

Earlier this week, the New Yorker published an extensive article correcting the record on the case of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers Freshman who killed himself after his roommate attempted to broadcast his sexual liaison on the internet. While it became evident that some of the intellectual perceptions of the case were wrong, Out magazine published something today that shows that the emotional response to the case, especially in the gay community was spot on.

How Homeland Security Helped Jamaica Massacre 73 Civilians

John Cook · 12/14/11 01:45PM

The New Yorker has just posted Mattathias Schwartz's excellent piece in last week's magazine on the disastrous raid to arrest Jamaican druglord Christopher "Dudus" Coke. At the DEA's insistence, Jamaican authorities reluctantly raided Tivoli Gardens, the West Kingston slum Coke ran as a de facto governor, two years ago. Coke didn't turn up, but Jamaican police officers killed 73 civilians, many of them allegedly in cold blood. A Department of Homeland Security surveillance plane was overhead the whole time.