Richard Branson Has an iPad Thing Too, Okay?

In your tremulous Tuesday media column: Richard Branson strikes the iPad, a college newspaper editor burns out, the Washington Post gets shut down, and in-house news.
- Richard Branson's Virgin has decided to scoop Rupert Murdoch's News Corp by releasing an iPad-only publication first—Branson's is a GQ-esque magazine called Project, and Nick Rizzo has an early look. The main difference between Project and Murdoch's The Daily is that Project won't be daily, and it didn't get any buzz.
- Daniel Burnett, 22, has resigned as editor of the University of Georgia's student paper after he got drunk and then got kicked out of the president's box at a football game. That sounds totally worth it.
- While the Guardian was just handing over all the latest Wikileaks documents to the New York Times, the Washington Post says that when it asked the Guardian for the documents, it was turned down flat. Burned! Second best again! Sarah Plain and Tall! This will do nothing for the DC inferiority complex.
- Here at Gawker Media, we are officially going "Beyond the Blog," according to our dear leader. Also, Chris Batty, our sales chief, is leaving us.