At a college football game tomorrow, two teams will be wearing uniforms dedicated to the United States military. Here, Brian Kilmeade exhibits many flaws in his sales pitch. Video inside.

The Utah/Texas Tech game slated for tomorrow is the showcase for these camouflage jerseys, with military core values in place of players' names. Brian informs us all proceeds from sales on these specialty jerseys will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. That's all very nice, but Brian still manages to make his sales pitch cringeworthy. Take a look:

[There was a video here]

When trying to sell any kind of attire on television, avoid joking with your audience that "despite the way they (the models) look in them, you're gonna love 'em!". He then tells former New York Giant Jason Sehorn to "take a shower" for some reason, and reveals he doesn't get too attached to crew members; sometimes they "leave" him. And we all wonder why, Brian.