Decision Points, the world's most anticipated political memoir by George W. Bush ever is about to hit shelves. And the Drudge Report has offered up a preview! The first chapter opens up with George W. Bush as an alcoholic.

According to Drudge:

"It was a simple question, 'Can you remember the last day you didn't have a drink?'"

So begins President George W. Bush in the opening chapter ["Quitting"] from the most anticipated book of the season, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

The book also "details how he bonded with Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia—and a magical bird!" (One of the many things this book has in common with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.)

In one chapter, according to Drudge, Bush reflects on the religion that made him decide that little balls of stem cells were more important than human beings with spine injuries: "I did feel a responsibility to voice my pro-life convictions and lead the country toward what Pope John Paul II called a culture of life."

And Bush will be on Oprah! During this appearance, Oprah will tell the audience to look under their seats and they'll find free tickets to any future taping of Oprah where the guest isn't George W. Bush.