Charlie Sheen's porn star lover is cashing in on her newfound notoriety, perhaps because Sheen stiffed her on her $12,000 "escort" bill after she posed for a picture with Sheen's ex-wife, Denise Richards. How quickly the rumor mill churns!

Here's everything that happened since we last wrote about Charlie Sheen's hotel-trashing rampage eight hours ago:

Sheen's ex-wife Denise Richards met Capri the night of the freak-out. Capri approached her at a restaurant and asked for a picture, and they posed cheek to cheek. It's unclear whether Denise had any idea who Capri was, but she left the restaurant shortly thereafter.

  • At his dinner with Denise and Capri, "Charlie was stumbling and loud and being very frisky and touchy-feely. Charlie and his date excused themselves to the bathroom together, for a long time. You don't have to be an investigator to know what was going on in that bathroom." Wait, I actually don't know: Drugs or sex?
  • Another anonymous source says Capri was a $12,000-a-night hooker. "Charlie had never met [her] until that night. He ordered her from a service." Since he ended up hospitalized, Charlie never paid her for services rendered. $12,000 for Capri + $7000 in damages to his Plaza Hotel suite + unknown payments for drugs, booze, and food = A $20-grand party night for Charlie?
  • Also, Charlie might have been shouting the N-word. That's always the cherry on top of the violent woman-hating actor story, isn't it?
  • Charlie was back at work today. He filmed a cameo for a friend's movie called She Wants Me.
  • Capri's porn world handlers are also hard at work: "Capri and the rest of the team here at Medium Pimpin [Capri's porn distributor] feel that this is now a great opportunity where she was actually in the right place at the right time."
  • Charlie's take on his hospitalization, the hotel-room trashing, and Capri's claim that he hit her: "The story is totally overblown and overplayed as far as the reality of the scenario."
  • So, whatever happened to the wallet Charlie Sheen accused Capri of stealing, thereby starting the allegedly violent fight that landed him in the hospital and Capri consulting her lawyers? "His assistant, who was down the hall, had it." Oops.

[Image via Club Capri Anderson]