Fox News' Megyn Kelly and her guest, infamous rage-clown Rep. Steve King, cannot fathom why Democrats would invite comedian Stephen Colbert to a taxpayer-funded hearing today. And according to King, Colbert "staged" his recent workday with migrant laborers.

While having a comedian testify in Congress in-character is kinda weird, chances are you'll either approve or disapprove based on whether you think undocumented migrant laborers deserve more rights under the law. For people who do think this, Colbert's testimony was the perfect move, as it could bring more attention to the issue than anything in years. For people who don't, Colbert's testimony was a tasteless disgrace to our nation's proud governing institutions, as it could bring more attention to the issue than anything in years.

But Steve King, who, as we mentioned earlier, had never heard of Colbert until a couple of days ago and has been studying his old tapes ever since to develop an attack strategy, goes even further, calling Colbert a liar who "staged" his 10-hour workday with migrant laborers, which he can prove based on the way a corn truck was driving.

[Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who invited Colbert to the hearing] and Stephen Colbert among them disparaged the people who do hard work in America everyday. That she went out and did some work on this farm, and Stephen Colbert did some work on this farm. I pointed out he was actually unpacking a crate of sweet corn, and it has to be going in the other direction if it's going to be shipped off the farm. … I don't think he had his facts right. I saw the video. And the video looks to me like it was staged. … He didn't do real work.

King actually broached this subject of deception while questioning Colbert, who responded, beautifully, "I was packing corn. I was a corn packer and I know that term is offensive to some people, for corn packing is a derogatory term for a Gay Iowan."

You can joke all you want, Colbert, but you don't know the meaning of hard work like Steve King does. Here's just one example of the congressman breaking his back to put food on the table: