
Is Roger Ailes Leaving Fox News Or Not?

J.K. Trotter · 07/19/16 05:15PM

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, who is currently facing numerous accusations of sexual harassment by a growing number of current and former employees, is reportedly—reportedly!—departing the channel, which he founded in October 1996 and has helmed for the past 19 years. This morning, Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine reported that Fox News’ star anchor, Megyn Kelly, had told investigators hired by 21st Century Fox that her boss had sexually harassed her approximately ten years ago, when she still worked at Fox. In the same piece, Sherman claimed that attorneys for 21st Century Fox had given Ailes an ultimatum: “Resign or face being fired for cause” by August 1 of this year.

Bret Baier on Roger Ailes Ouster Report: "Ugh"

Alex Pareene · 07/19/16 03:54PM

CLEVELAND — Earlier this afternoon, Ashley and I stumbled upon Fox News’s Bret Baier and Chris Wallace livestreaming a discussion from a Facebook booth adjacent to the convention center, where most of the campaign press work when not in the arena.

Megyn Kelly Bravely Admits All Cable News Is Garbage

Jordan Sargent · 05/13/16 10:00AM

Last night on her television program, Fox News’ Megyn Kelly presided over a discussion on the right’s current paranoid fixation that the Washington Post has 20 reporters digging into Donald Trump’s life for a planned book on the presumed Republican nominee.

Fox News Is Finally Submitting to Donald Trump

Jordan Sargent · 03/03/16 08:05PM

In about an hour, Donald Trump will step onto the debate stage in Detroit to loud applause and howling cheers. He will be the clear frontrunner and presumed nominee among the four Republicans onstage. He will also be admitting a mistake, even if tacitly so.

Campaign Manager Says Trump Is "Definitely Not" Participating in Fox News Debate

Brendan O'Connor · 01/26/16 07:05PM

Speaking at a press conference before a rally in Marshalltown, Iowa, Donald Trump continued to turn the screws on Roger Ailes, threatening that he “probably” won’t participate in the Fox News-hosted debate on Thursday. Trump’s campaign manager, meanwhile, told the Washington Post’s Philip Rucker that the candidate was “definitely not” participating in the debate. “His word is his bond.”

Megyn Kelly Is a Horrible Person

Sam Biddle · 01/04/16 04:34PM

What if, a recent piece of speculative fiction in Vanity Fair wonders aloud, Megyn Kelly isn’t a poisonous bigot and shameless cable news demagogue, but a complex, flawed icon of modern feminism? Like most science fiction, this is a pack of lies meant for babies. Megyn Kelly is just as racist—or cynically willing to play the part—as every man she works with at Fox News.

Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

J.K. Trotter · 08/11/15 02:35PM

Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine has a lengthy report about Donald Trump’s tense relationship with Fox News and its star anchor Megyn Kelly, whom Trump recently accused of unfairly targeting him during last Thursday’s televised debate (during which, Trump seemed to allege, Kelly had been menstruating). The internal conflict—placing Kelly and Trump in competition for the approval of Fox boss Roger Ailes—has apparently gotten so toxic that Trump supporters have begun threatening Kelly’s life: