How did these stay under wraps so long? This week Star magazine unveils "eight never-before-seen graphic photos" taken by an old Angelina Jolie drug buddy. She wears tape on her nipples, a dog leash, and smokes heroin. Updated with pics!

The one photo shown on Star's new cover is awfully glamorous—will these be professional-looking photos from Angelina's high-fashion party days? Or will she be a rock-bottom mess "during a 14-hour heroin-smoking bender"? (Is she even capable of looking like a mess?) Before or after her nose job? The photos are paired with an interview with biographer Andrew Morton, who just finished Angelina: An Unauthorized Biography, and whose previous hits include Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography and Diana: Her True Story. (He likes colons almost as much as he likes celebrity scandal.) We may just have to run to the newsstand and pick up a copy. [Star]

Update: Here's one of the photos. The set is from 1999, apparently: