Lindsay Lohan can't have visitors or bottled water—but she's getting out earlier. Real Housewife megameltdown avoided. Celebrity siblings are in trouble. Did Oksana tape Mel after he accused her of cheating? Saturday's Gossip Roundup goes well with strawberries.

  • Looks like Lindsay Lohan is getting out of jail even earlier. Originally, she was planning to do 14 days of her 90-day sentence, but the judge just cut off two more days for time served. This means Lindsay will be out before August, which is good if you believe the horrors she's facing in the slammer: She's not allowed to have visitors this weekend because she used up her visits during the week. And apparently there is some complicated system which makes it so that Lindsay wasn't able to buy bottled water from Lynnwood's commissary, so she's had to drink dirty water right from the tap. Hm, sitting alone in a small room drinking sour tap water. Sounds like a day in the life of a gossip blogger. Buck up, Lindsay, you could be living like this every day. [Radar][Radar][TMZ]
  • Disaster averted: Real Housewife Danielle Staub almost bought an apartment next to Kim Granatell. She was looking at a place in the luxury high-rise 22 Avenue when someone informed her Kim G. owned a place there. A source told Page Six: "Danielle freaked out. She said they were no longer friends and didn't want to be living that close to her." [P6]
  • Is Eva Mendes pregnant? A spy told Crushable that she kept "hiding her belly" at a Comic-Con panel for The Other Guys. [Crushable]
  • Michael Bloomberg's daughter, Georgina fell off a horse. She's OK. [P6]
  • A slow news day means we can talk about two celebrity brothers who are in trouble: Julia Roberts' brother, Eric Roberts has joined Celebrity Rehab 4. (He was arrested for cocaine in the 80s.) And Casey Affleck is being sued for sexual harassment by one of the producers of that weird Joaquin Phoenix documentary. The producer, who's suing for $2 million, claims that "Affleck repeatedly referred to women as 'cows'; he discussed his sexual exploits and those of other celebrities that he allegedly witnessed." Bad Affleck. [Popeater][Popeater]
  • Oksana Grigorieva may have started secretly recording Mel Gibson after he accused her of cheating on him with the landscaping guy. Also, quitting smoking was part of what drove Gibson insane, or something. [TMZ]
  • [Picture by AP]