
Sally Field Utterly Destroyed Julia Roberts in a Curse-Off

Jay Hathaway · 05/06/14 11:09AM

America's sweetheart Julia Roberts apparently only knows a handful of bad words, and most of them are too tame to censor on network TV. Sally Field, meanwhile, knows all the curses, and will gleefully combine any one of them with the suffixes "-sucker" and "-licker."

Hygiene-Challenged Lindsay Lohan Fired from Community Service

Maureen O'Connor · 10/14/11 10:17AM

Lindsay Lohan's probation is at risk again, but people are mostly worried about her teeth. Ashton's mistress makes a video. Adam Levine is naked, again. Hilary Duff is four months pregnant. Friday gossip wonders if the toothbrushes are better in jail.

Fireflies in the Garden: Here at Last

Lauri Apple · 08/30/11 12:17AM

Here's a trailer for Fireflies in the Garden, the long-delayed Dennis Lee drama-movie in which Willem Dafoe plays the difficult, domineering, abusive dad to bearded romance novelist Ryan Reynolds. After premiering at the Berlin International Film Festival all the way back in 2008—i.e., many many firefly life cycles ago—and waiting around in limbo due to the shutdown of its production company, the film's finally due to hit theaters on October 14.

What's Opening in Theaters This Weekend

Richard Lawson · 07/01/11 06:10PM

Well, it's the biggest holiday weekend of the summer and hopefully you're headed off to some lake or beach or house in the woods to celebrate the old-fashioned way. If not, go to a movie. There are robots! And Julia Roberts!

Watch David Letterman Annoy Julia Roberts on the Late Show

Matt Cherette · 07/01/11 04:57AM

Two days after co-star Tom Hanks appeared on the same program, Julia Roberts visited the Late Show last night to chat with David Letterman and promote Larry Crowne. As it turned out, there wasn't much movie-related discussion. But there was a whole bit that involved Letterman peppering Roberts with annoying questions about her kids! He also flipped off the audience. The video, above.

The Meanest Julia Roberts Story Ever Written

Maureen O'Connor · 06/22/11 10:35AM

You are a terrible person for reading this nasty story about America's sweetheart. Ashlee Simpson has a new boyfriend. Ryan Dunn drank picklebacks before he died. Steve-O recalls doing blow with LiLo while she was in rehab. Wednesday gossip is a big mistake. Big. Huge.

Larry Crowne: America's Sweethearts, In Love at Last

Richard Lawson · 03/16/11 01:15PM

Here's a trailer for Larry Crowne, the romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks, who also directed and co-wrote. While these two-biggest-American-movie-stars have been on screen together, in Charlie Wilson's War, this is their first time smooching and falling in love. America is healed?

Miley Cyrus Bong Rips Caught on Video

Maureen O'Connor · 12/10/10 10:36AM

"You're gonna shit a brick when you see this," Miley's friend says while filming her smoking a bong. Julia Roberts attacks a paparazzo. Bieber takes a Disney star on a date. Rabbits turn James Franco on. TGIFriday gossip.