In a study released today in the Annals of Internal Medicine, doctors found that men who take pills for erectile dysfunction (Viagra, Cialis) showed triple the rate of STDs than men who don't. This newfound prowess leads to riskier sex.

The study looked at health insurance claims from men over 40 years old, but suggests that the spike in sexually transmitted diseases has more to do with the man than the drug. BusinessWeek spoke to the lead author of the study:

Younger people have more sex partners than older folks," said Jena, a medical resident in internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, in a June 29 telephone interview. "But per sexual encounter, the actual safeness of the sex is probably lower among older folks in the sense that they don't use condoms," he said.

You read it correctly—old people like it raw. Gross.

[Top image via; exotic dancer via]