Conde Nast Eliminates Confusing 'Different Topics' From Magazines

In your paradigm-shifting Tuesday media column: Conde Nast dumbs down, Lara Logan dumbs up, Dave Weigel lands a part-time job, London reporters get paid by the cops, and Glenn Beck has sold quite a few books.
- Is an entire issue of Glamour just too diverse for you? It's your lucky ADD-plagued decade, for Conde Nast is introducing "special editions" of its magazines—super-fat $10 "bookazines," actually—that "will focus on more narrow topics or features, such as Glamour 'Dos & Don'ts,' packaged in a creative and attractive way." Packaged with Cheez Whiz, we hope. USA.
- Lara Logan went on TV to idiotically slam Michael Hastings for being insufficiently groveling towards Gen. McChrystal in his Rolling Stone profile. Glenn Greenwald shredded her into tiny bits, and now Matt Taibbi has eaten, digested and excreted those bits. Lara Logan seems less attractive now.
- Recently displaced former WaPo blogger Dave Weigel is joining MSNBC as a "contributor," which is nice and everything but not really a real full time gig, it's just a media consolation prize they give out to just about everybody (except us).
- Two reporters in London won a settlement from the police there after cops treated them rudely as they tried to cover a protest. The greatest indignity: a reporter "almost had his half-smoked cigarette swiped from his mouth." That is tantamount to setting every publishing house on fire, sirs.
- Guess how many copies of his novel Glenn Beck has sold so far? 132,000. What did you do last week?