Massachusetts tween sex god Sen. Scott Brown has started an essay contest about Independence Day! Brown will pick up the winner in his truck, head to a baseball game, and then, well... use your imagination, eh? Also: Brown wants $50.

As you all have probably figured out, we're mostly posting this to show this comical fundraiser graphic, of Scott Brown the Independence Day Sun God. But the text is fun, too!

Our campaign has decided to launch an essay contest to allow you the opportunity to win two Red Sox tickets to attend a game with me off of the 2010 schedule at Fenway Park, and I'll pick you up in my truck!

Please submit your essay about the Fourth of July and what it means to you, as a blog post on the Brown Brigade, and donate $50 to make your essay eligible to win this contest. Be sure to sign your blog post with your name so that we can match it with your donation.

Your essay should not be longer than 250 words and the deadline is June 30th. The winner for the best essay will be announced on July 4th.

If you give him $100, can you just skip the essay and baseball game bullshit and cut straight to the late-night drop-off part, to try your chances?