The guy who hacked Sarah Palin's email is in court and could be in some pretty deep shit. Daughter Bristol took the stand yesterday to talk about Fox News and crazy Alaska boys and losing her cellphone. It's a tear-jerker.

Bristol was crushed after she had to turn her cellphone over to investigators and totally couldn't sext with Levi Johnston for weeks because creepy college kid David Kernell had to go and hack her mom's personal email account. That's a lifetime when you're 17 years old! And where did Bristol first see a stolen picture of her brother Trigg and her phone number? The purveyors of conservative smut, Fox News, blasted the candid family pictures all over the airwaves, most likely with some really slick graphics, too. From the AP:

Bristol Palin said her number was included with a photo she snapped of her brother Trigg taking his first bite of solid food and e-mailed to her parents while they were away during the 2008 presidential campaign.

"I saw a screen shot on the TV," she said.

"I think it was Fox News," she said of the station for which her mother is a paid political analyst.

The harassing phone calls and emails from random boys really got to Bristol, too. But justice may soon be meted out. Kernell could face up to 50 years in prison for a list of charges, including obstructing an FBI investigation. When asked what he thought about Bristol outside of the courtroom, Kernell replied, "She's not my type."

[Image via Getty]