
Migrant Blogger

Owen Thomas · 10/09/08 06:40PM

Will the punishment fit the crime? Migrant Blogger catches an important loophole in the punishment planned for David Kernell, the college kid charged with hacking into Sarah Palin's email:

Palin email hacker pleads not guilty

Paul Boutin · 10/08/08 01:20PM

The twenty-year-old son of Tennessee state representative Mike Kernell, a Democrat, plead not guilty today at a federal court in Knoxville. Prosecutors had charged David Kernell with breaking into GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's email by guessing the answers to her password-recovery answers, and then posted her new password, "popcorn," on 4chan. A judge released Kernell without bail, but forbid him to own a computer or to use the Internet for anything other than email and classwork. Compared to Kevin Mitnick's eight-year ban from the Internet, that's a decree as level-headed as it is unenforceable.