In the matter of "Paul Krugman vs. Andrew Ross Sorkin: Who Is Right and Who Is a Liar Jerk?" New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt has finally stepped in. And somebody's lying to him, too.

You'll recall that Sorkin wrote that Krugman wanted to nationalize the US banking systems, and Krugman said no I did not, you better apologize, and Sorkin said, politely, oh yes you did. So here's Clark Hoyt, the adult around here, to get to the bottom of this all, let's see:

Krugman and Sorkin told me that they talked Thursday. Sorkin said the conversation was "very cordial." Krugman called it "not much fun."

Christ, one of you is still lying, about the conversation's cordiality quotient. It's pathological now! Clark Hoyt eventually sides with Krugman but we must reiterate our insistence on a charity boxing match to settle this. Give the money to victims of the recession. Just email us guys, we'll have it all ready to go.