
Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/14 10:51AM

Elizabeth Warren opposes President Obama's nomination of a career Wall Street banker as new under secretary of the Treasury. Who in the media is brave enough to take up the cause of defending this humble banker from the misguided populists?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/14 05:15PM

Showtime has ordered a pilot of a new show called "Billions"—set in the world of hedge funds—created by legitimately hardworking journalist and Wall Street bootblack Andrew Ross Sorkin. I seriously bet Sorkin is so fucking rich by now. Fuck, man.

Who's Left at the New York Times?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/13 02:54PM

The New York Times has long been considered the top of the media food chain, the final stop in a journalism career. No mas. In recent weeks, the Times has been leaking talent left and right. Who do they have left that they really need to hang on to?

Andrew Ross Sorkin Is Such a Wall Street Bootlicker Sometimes

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/13 10:11AM

Andrew Ross Sorkin, the whiz kid-ish New York Times Dealbook reporter, sometimes gets unfairly characterized as a bootlicking Wall Street suckup who wants only to ingratiate himself with the powerful. Other times—like today—that characterization is completely fair.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/12 09:52AM

Andrew Ross Sorkin's column today had such spectacularly poor timing that you almost feel bad for the guy.

Hubris, High Socks, and other Habits of the Most Powerful People in the World

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/12 01:15PM

The Masters of the Universe can be identified by their socks. Their millions of dollars, their vast power over commerce, and their socks, which must protrude four inches below the cuff of their suit pants when seated. Any greater length of sock exposure would indicate that the wearer was sitting with his legs crossed. The Masters of the Universe sit with both feet on the floor. These are the alpha dogs.

Rupert Murdoch Offers Up Standard PR Firm-Written Apology

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/11 02:56PM

In your finally Friday media column: Rupert Murdoch apologizes, Andrew Ross Sorkin gets a TV gig, the AP stylebook is wrong, Google encourages you to read, and Bob Schieffer is still among the living.