Since Jon Gosselin won't let his innocent babies be on TV, TLC has charged Kate to raise other people's broods on a new series. What a cruel, cruel Twist of Kate.

That's what the channel is calling the how that they're announcing today. She will be going around America lending a nicely-manicured helping hand to people in need of a new household god. "Each family will have some unique circumstance that is a story in itself. As Kate gets to know them she'll roll up her sleeves and see what she can do to help," the network says. Oh, that's just great. She has done such a great job keeping her marriage together, making sure that her children have a loving mother at home, and figuring out just what the hell to do with her hair, that it's time she share all that knowledge with the world. We're glad that her eight children are old enough now that they won't miss their mommy being away as she goes around and films yet another TV show. Life is full of blessings.