
How the Bush Administration Got Reporters to Stop Writing So Many 'Bodybag' Stories From Iraq

John Cook · 10/14/11 11:27AM

Public relations is about "relationships." Flacks develop "relationships" with reporters by calling them and yelling at them until the reporters start to realize, before they write something, that an unpleasant conversation might ensue. So they start to be...more careful. We recently came across an internal email written by Daniel Senor, the former spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, that summed up the dynamic in crystalline fashion.

A Guide to the Neocon Bloomberg May Back for Senate

gawker.com · 03/15/10 04:40AM

With support from several GOP luminaries, Dan Senor, husband of CNN's Campbell Brown and delusional neocon hawk, may be primed to challenge Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for her seat. Here's a field guide to your potential next Senator.