The Baptist missionaries accused of human trafficking for trying to remove 33 children from Haiti insist they were trying to help. But the BBC finds that some missionaries in Haiti are motivated by Pat Robertson's warning that it's Satan's haven.

The BBC's Tom Hagler looked into For His Glory Adoption Outreach, a Texas-based Christian ministry that runs an orphanage in Haiti. A glance at the group's web site — and keep in mind, these people have roughly 130 Haitian children under their care — finds that they believe they face an "enemy onslaught as this is a country that is yearly dedicated to Satan in a contractual form," and that Haiti is mired in "worship of the dark."

In a bracing interview that only a subdued and indignant Brit could pull off (you can listen above), Hagler asked For His Glory's president Kim Harmon about Haiti's annual re-upping of its contract with the Evil One. She professed ignorance of the claims on her web site, but said that Haiti's Satanist past is general knowledge: "That's like looking it up in the encyclopedia — we didn't write that, it's just publicly known throughout the world. That's what the information that we've got on the world...."

Harmon claims in the interview to disagree with Robertson's assessment that the earthquake was God's judgment on the Satan-loving people of Haiti. But then she drops this nugget: "We have had children come into our orphanage who have had attempts to have voodoo sacrifice done on them."

To which an incredulous Hagler replies: "Really? They told you that, did they?"

For His Glory has no relationship to the missionaries currently detained in Haiti, but it's clear from Harmon's responses that Robertson's bizarre beliefs have some traction even among those Christians most moved to "help" the children of Haiti. And Harmon is no freakish nutcase: She succeeded, according to this Texas television station, in getting Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) to write a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urging her to "develop a coordinated exit strategy that guarantees the safety and timely removal of these Haitian orphans and delivery to their adoptive families in the U.S."

Of course, even if Christian extremists are feeding, sheltering, and clothing Haitian orphans for insane reasons like saving from them from Satan—who lives in Haiti!—it can't be denied that feeding, sheltering, and clothing Haitian orphans is a good thing. The trouble comes when those people are motivated to view kids as "orphans" even if they have relatives in Haiti willing to care for them because they want to get them off the Devil's Island and into God's Country.