Comments of the Day — Magic iPad Edition!

Every D of the W, we stop to look at good comments. Today we are so mesmerized by the fancy new iPad that we can't focus on anything else. So here are our favorite Pad-related comments of the day.
Cheap Shot wondered about magazines:
I followed the liveblog closely and I'm not sure a magazine demo would work. Remember this is the introduction only and as you stated, even The New York Times folks had little 'time' (sorry) to whip up a fitting version of their title.
The real conundrum to me is, if the iPad makes the magazine obsolete, then what do we call it in it's new digital form? e-zines? mlogs?
When does a magazine stop being a magazine and just become a content page loaded with links.
Lastly, a big danger to me for magazines represented on there, is having readers jump away from the page to look at a link. How would you keep them engaged?
BitchyD is a pragmatic Luddite:
I still use and prefer a land line. It works no matter what. It doesn't go dead when the power is out, there's no unwanted texting you have to pay for, you just pick up the reciever and dial instead pushing a code and then 1 or 2 other buttons before dialing while hoping you have a signal. Also, there's no chance in hell a Lithium battery is gonna blow on you with a land line.
And when it comes to notes I prefer a pen and pad. Things seem to get lost and forgotten easily on these ModCons. I'm only 26 but most of this stuff seems useless to me.
Mike Jahn had an interesting question about timing:
Doesn't announcing it a few hours before the State of the Union Address count as a Friday news dump? Does he not want it looked at too closely until a few million units have been sold?
And a philistine in the corner named WretchedGnu issued a succinct criticism:
Crotch-rocketingly unimpressive.
There you have it! Suspicious, unimpressed, anti-technology, and crotch-rocketingly unimpressed. A range of emotions. (Minus, like, good ones.)