
Comments of the Day — Magic iPad Edition!

Richard Lawson · 01/27/10 04:35PM

Every D of the W, we stop to look at good comments. Today we are so mesmerized by the fancy new iPad that we can't focus on anything else. So here are our favorite Pad-related comments of the day.

Eighty-sixed Kevin Rollins also lowballed

Chris Mohney · 02/21/07 06:00PM

Ex-Dell CEO Kevin Rollins is getting the bum's rush on his way out. Other execs who do far worse routinely waddle out of boardrooms with divorce packages in the tens of millions. By contrast, Rollins gets only $5 million — and that's doled out in $1 million installments spread over more than a year's time. Michael Dell may throw in the occasional atomic swirly (gratis) just to maximize the humiliation.