A second crew of Scientology ministers and medics are now in Haiti at John Travolta's behest. This time he was literally behind the wheel of the Boeing 707, wife Kelly Preston by his side.

Ladies, get thee to Haiti and hope Danny Zuko touch-heals you next!

The Age reports the Scientologists mixed actual helpful stuff—like real doctors, food, and supplies—into their army of opportunistic evangelists, just to keep everyone on their toes:

John Travolta has landed his own jet in Haiti carrying relief supplies and a team including doctors and Scientology ministers.

The 55-year-old actor flew the Boeing 707 from Florida with four tons of ready-to-eat military rations and medical supplies for earthquake victims.

Among those accompanying Travolta is his wife, actress Kelly Preston.

The Church of Scientology says the pair planned to return home after unloading their passengers and supplies.

Earlier: John Travolta to Airlift Desperately Needed E-Meters to People of Haiti