James Dobson's Buttocks Show to Save Media From Sin
In your mawkish Monday media column: James Dobson coming to your sexxxy radio dial, a rumor of perfidy at McGraw-Hill, an editor passes away, and Larry King and Pete Wentz team up to save Haiti.

Religious prophet James Dobson, head of "nutty" (heh) group Focus on Your Family's Buttocks And Make Sure There Is Not a Man's Penis In There, is getting a radio show, so millions can listen to his sexxxy buttocks talk.

A tipster tells us of "some really disgusting perfidy from the beautiful people at McGraw-Hill, former owner of BusinessWeek." Namely: "Over the past few years, as BW turned into a money pit, a number of longtime art/edit employees were given stock awards in lieu of raises." Now, our tipster says, those employees are finding out that those awards are being halved—and there's fear that some employees could see their stock awards eliminated altogether, thanks to larger financial issues at the company. If you know more, email us.

Steve Lovelady, a former top editor at the Philly Inquirer, died of cancer last weekend at the age of 66.

You, ah, won't want to miss the two hour Larry King Haiti special tonight, featuring Pete Wentz, Charles Barkley, ScarJo, and Queen Rania, amongst a bewildering array of others. And of course Larry King will be there, talking. Haiti wins!