Martha Stewart dropped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon tonight for two segments. The first: an interview with Fallon, in which Stewart's intrinsic pretentiousness played out hilariously. Later, she and Fallon made croquembouche (and penis jokes). The videos, ahead.

We learned quite a bit about Stewart's #whitepeople ways in tonight's interview segment. For example, did you know that—when children attend Stewart's fabulous parties—she assigns them "tasks," which is WASP for games? At a recent soiree, one of the children's tasks was to count the number of Christmas trees in Stewart's home. (The answer is 14, by the way.)

We also got a second peek at Stewart's giant eggnog bowl and learned that it requires a third assistant to carry it when full. Shortly thereafter, we learned that Stewart's dogs—Francesca and Sharkey, who have their own blog—eat and drink from golden bowls. But she swears it's not real gold, just paint!

Later on, Stewart attempted to teach Fallon how to make her famous croquembouche, a dessert we've only ever seen prepared by two people: Stewart and Bree Hodge (nee Van De Kamp).

As Fallon daringly dipped his cream puffs into the smoldering hot caramel—Stewart referred to it as "molten steel"—she made sure to micromanage in her unique, stern-yet-warm style. When Stewart mentioned that she'd be in Bangkok for Christmas, she and Fallon had a bit of fun with it and cracked some jokes.

All in all, this was a solid bit of entertainment—something we've come to expect from Stewart when she's on the late night talk show circuit. And that, of course, is a good thing.

[Late Night with Jimmy Fallon]