In your miserable Wednesday media column: Luke Russert tries some politricks, the New York Times tells black people what to buy, Lachlan Murdoch sells out, Time Magazine is unafraid to take a bold listicle stand, and a new Gatecrasher columnist.

Nepotism-enhanced sweat-prone young journalist Luke Russert reportedly went around handing out candy canes to fellow reporters to try to drum up support for his election to some board, but—whoa now!—he targeted the wrong reporters with his sugary bribes, laying low his political efforts. You have much to learn, Luke.

Apparently the NYT's holiday gift guide featured a page called "Of Color/ Stylish Gifts," just for the black people? Ah yes! Here it is, full of all types of black people, and things they might like to buy, who knows? One suggestion: Baby Jamz, "an interactive hip-hop and rhythm-based toy line [that] includes a Mix Master Music Chair that allows children to be their own D.J.'s, a Move 'n Groove dance mat, a Jammin' Microphone and other items." Hip to the hop, black Santa Claus baby!

Lachlan Murdoch is selling off News Corp. stock just as fast as he can , apparently in order to raise cash for all those trade magazines he just bought. We don't know about "business" matters but somehow this seems dumb.

Time Magazine has a listicle of the year issue, featuring the "10 Best Magazine Covers," among many other listicles, and here is the NY Mag cover they say is best. Since these things are intended to start arguments, we'll refrain from arguing. But we will point out that this is one of the Top Ten Reasons Time Magazine Is Perilously Close to Turning Into US News & World Report.

The new Gatecrasher gossip columnist at the NY Daily News: Carson Griffith, a contributing reporter at hellblog Guest of a Guest. She replaces the departed Laura Schreffler. Have fun doing that job, etc., Carson.