Larry Flynt holds his smut to the highest of lecherous standards, which is why he is suing his lazy, good-for-nothing nephews for attaching their family's good name to shoddy, amateurish products.

Uncle Larry took the stand late Tuesday against prodigal nephews Jimmy Jr. and Dustin Flynt, whom he used to employ, until he fired them for being lazy good-for-nothings in 2007, prompting them to spend their $100K severance packages founding Flynt Media Corps., a rival to Larry Flynt Publishing that once used the tagline, "You know the name, you know the game." Ergo, trademark infringement, taste issues, and that age-old conundrum: Tits or ass?

DeCarlo, the nephews' attorney, took issue with Flynt's assessment of the films as "trashy." He proceeded to show the jury an enlarged image of one of Larry Flynt's films, "Mason's Sluts."

"Is this less trashy or more trashy than my client's product?" DeCarlo asked.

"Your clients are focusing on the boob element, so to speak," Larry Flynt replied. "I just think that's sort of passé, and guys are moving past that. That's only my opinion."

The image of this bloated, toad-like lecher discussing the "boob element" from his gold-plated, velvet-lined wheelchair before a room of serious, grey-haired barristers is one we already know quite well. Is America great or what?

As is often the case with generational conflicts, artistic differences divide Flynt the Elder and Flynts the Younger. When young Dustin argued he was "bringing elegance back to erotica," Uncle Larry scoffed:

"I think there's a thin line. As a society we've come to accept what I like to refer to as 'vanilla sex,' " he said. "But if you get too trashy, people get uncomfortable."