There will be a time when everyone gets their entertainment through cortex-implanted microchips. But for now, people are still watching a lot of "traditional" (i.e. not Hulu) television. According to a Nielsen study, 99% of video viewing is via TV.

However, Variety notes that:

That's not to say the revolution isn't brewing. The study also reported that online video usage is up 35% vs. a year ago, while DVR playback has jumped 21%.

Also surprising: The Olds (45-54) spend more time online than any other age group, at seven hours per week. (Which is, like, about half a day's worth for us.) [Variety]

•We are guessing the people who are actually awake for "Good Morning America" are bummed that Diane Sawyer is leaving the show Friday after nearly 3,000 shows. Sawyers is taking over "ABC World News Tonight" from Charles Gibson. While Chris Cuomo's name was initially floated as a possible replacement, it looks like George Stephanopoulos will be greeting all you early risers as you greet another productive, happy day. Jerks. [LAT]

Kristin Wiig's character Gilly is hosting SNL's Dec. 17th Christmas special: "SNL Presents: A Very Gilly Christmas". Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin will be there. We are guardedly optimistic about this one. [THR]

•Reality show producers love wives: VH1 is starting production on "Basketball Wives," a reality show about women married to NBA stars, including Shaunie O'Neal—Shaq's wife. Is there any topical joke to be made about wife-based reality shows and/or athletes' spouses? Ho hum, guess not. World, keep on a-turning. [Vareity]

•Those super-convenient $1 DVD rental kiosks in supermarkets? They're costing Hollywood $1 billion and a lot of jobs! (according to a group with strong industry ties, of course!) [THR]

Elijah Wood and Robin Williams will likely be reprising their roles as penguins in "Happy Feet 2". (Alternate title: "Why the World Needs Another Goddamn Movie About Penguins.") [THR]

•Only bloggers who don't own TVs care about Adam Lambert, apparently: Despite tons of face-humping, ABC-cancelling, GLAAD-bumbling controversy, Lambert's appearance on CBS' "The Early Show" did bupkis for ratings. [NYT]

(photo courtesy of Phrenzee's Flickr)