
Adam Weinstein · 04/28/14 08:26AM

Washington D.C.'s last video store is dead. The cause of death was every leisure-class Washingtonian's obsession with binge-watching House of Cards online and favorably comparing themselves to the characters.

100,000 'Atlas Shrugged' DVDs Recalled for Perfectly Hilarious Reason

Jim Newell · 11/11/11 02:41PM

In what appears to be a legitimate press release on the blog of the official Atlas Shrugged Part I website, the producers of the film have announced that they will "replace more than 100,000 title sheets appearing on the Atlas Shrugged Part 1 DVD and Blu-ray versions." Sounds like a pain in the ass. Why? Did child porn pics somehow show up on them? No! But the ultimate Randian curse word — "self-sacrifice" — did, and that's worse.

Study: Television Is Not Even Close to Dead

Adrian Chen · 12/08/09 01:12AM

There will be a time when everyone gets their entertainment through cortex-implanted microchips. But for now, people are still watching a lot of "traditional" (i.e. not Hulu) television. According to a Nielsen study, 99% of video viewing is via TV.

Thundercats, Hoooooo!

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/08 04:18PM

Useful press releases, part 3: "Thunder, thunder, ThunderCats, Ho! ThunderCats are on the move, ThunderCats are loose, Feel the magic, hear the roar, ThunderCats are loose!" Did you know that the second season of the awesome cartoon ThunderCats is now available on DVD? Season two, volume one hits the shelves today! According to the trusty press release, "The Season One, Volume One release was the biggest selling retro animation title on DVD ever!" Please send more information as it becomes available, Premier PR! Pictured, two "Cheetara girls" on the loose in Trafalgar Square (obviously high budget promotions). But where are Lion-O, Snarf, and Panthro? Let's hope Mumm-Ra didn't get them!

Ledger's Sleeping Hits

Nick Denton · 01/24/08 09:12AM

Maybe that despised manager at Best Buy, who rushed to display of DVDs starring Heath Ledger, understood us better than we did ourselves. Amazon.com's chart of the most popular DVDs for sale, usually dominated by those recently released, contains three new arrivals: 10 Things I Hate About You, A Knight's Tale and Brokeback Mountain — in 6th, 11th and 13th place respectively. All three movies on the online retailer's top 25 list star the Australian actor who died, of an apparent overdose, on Tuesday. (Of course more want to remember Ledger as high-school hero, or lusty knight, than as sad gay cowboy, the 28-year-old star's most critically acclaimed role.) After the jump, the chart.

'Yule Log III' Packed With Bonus Features

seth · 12/26/07 12:36PM

We're sure more than a few of you apartment- and tract-housing dwellers without the luxury of a real fireplace have turned to the crackling comforts of the televised Yule Log over the years to give your Christmas mornings some added ambiance.